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Environmental Sensor Data Analysis and Display Service Application System Maintenance and Development Project

The main purpose of this plan is to integrate big data generated by huge amount of distributed sensor and different applications. Through the database, Web of Things, artificial wisdom and cloud computing technologies, environmental inspectors can find and solve public problems in more active ways. In order to improve the quality of the governmental decision making through the back-end side and encourage citizen to participate the social innovation through the fornt-end side, four web platforms including environmental sensor data analytics platform, environmental sensor data visualization platform (aiR), environmental sensor data public website and integrated map information website entrance, will be maintained and expanded in this year. This project include three service items: sensor management and data alaysis, public service promotion, and governmental decision making support. According to different clients, central government, local bureau or general people, the system will provide two versions with different features. Also, the sensor data will be transformed into geographic information system to calculate and analyze the environmental space-time related results for inspectors and people who want to get more advanced digital information. Eventually, more environmental sensor data can be integrated and the fundamental software / hardware technology can be enhanced during the excecution time.
aiR, IoT, GIS, data analysis